Tuesday 3 September 2013

The anti-cholesterol diet

ways to lower cholesterol
ways to lower cholesterol
17 % of French people suffer from high cholesterol , abnormal elevation of cholesterol in the blood.
That's a lot , so much so that a 5% reduction in the average cholesterol adult population has become a priority NFHP (Programme National Nutrition Santé) .
But what is cholesterol? Where does it come from? How to limit its impact on health? Is there an anti cholesterol diet ? Let the point.

The anti cholesterol diet is to reduce the consumption of acid gras.Le anti cholesterol diet is to reduce the intake of fatty acids. - The anti- cholesterol diet
The anti cholesterol diet is to reduce the consumption of fatty acids .
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a complex molecule transported by various forms of lipoproteins.
Essential to the body , it has - when present in right amount - a beneficial role , since it is involved in the structure and function of cell membranes, in the production of many hormones (cortisone , progesterone, testosterone ) in the transport and digestion of fats.

There are 2 kinds of cholesterol, which , added together, make up the total cholesterol :

> LDL cholesterol, commonly called " bad cholesterol " deposits in the vessels when present in excessive quantities or misused by the cells. He represents a factor of cardiovascular risk formally established .

> HDL cholesterol, commonly called "good cholesterol" , is part of the anti-atherogenic cholesterol , that is to say, it occurs against the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels .

Where do we find the cholesterol ?
Contrary to popular belief , the main source of cholesterol is not the foods that contain consumption (30 %), but the endogenous synthesis (70%) , that is to say, the manufacture or misuse of this molecule in the body itself.

Thus, dietary factors that influence its synthesis is not only the quantity of ingested foods containing (eggs , dairy products, seafood , meat ) , but the restriction, meal frequency and type of fat consumed . A key role is assigned to fat , not just quantity, but also their nature.

Overall, we consider that the saturated fatty acids on the one hand , and trans fatty acids (from the partial hydrogenation of vegetable and fat present in pastries , cakes , fries ... ) on the other hand are strongly associated at an elevation above the total LDL cholesterol , while the unsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils , fatty fish , nuts ... ) induce a lowering cholesterol, especially LDL .

Antioxidants lower the levels of bad cholestérol.Les antioxidants lower the bad cholesterol .
Antioxidants lower the bad cholesterol .
Other dietary factors are also associated with lower cholesterol levels in the blood, dietary fiber, plant sterols and globally, all plant products (fruits and vegetables , whole grains, legumes , nuts ) .

In addition , epidemiological studies have shown that there are other influential factors. Primo physical activity , reducing overweight , lowering triglycerides and smoking cessation increase good cholesterol.
Secondly, the consumption of foods rich in antioxidants ( plant products , oils, fish) would likely make less atherogenic LDL cholesterol .
Finally, note that the excess production or insufficient use of cholesterol in the body can be genetic or drug-induced .
ways to lower cholesterol
ways to lower cholesterol

What anti cholesterol to lower levels in the blood system ?
To reduce total cholesterol and especially LDL or "bad cholesterol" , there are so many anti cholesterol measures :

> Avoid weight gain through daily physical activity and a reduction in dietary fat ( fat foods , fried and fatty cooking ... ) in favor of including complex carbohydrates (starches , grains) and fiber (fruits and vegetables).

> Rebalancing power by reducing the accumulation of saturated fats ( meat, sausage , cheese, cream , butter) and trans fats (hydrogenated hard margarines , pastries, croissants and similar products) , and a moderate use and adequate vegetable oils and non-hydrogenated soft (in tub) margarine for spreading , cooking and seasoning .

> Limit the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol offal (2 times per month max) , eggs ( 2 per week ) and shellfish (2 times per month).

Lower cholesterol

make a natural remedy against cholesterol
Cholesterol is bad for your health if you have too much, eve
ways to lower cholesterol
ways to lower cholesterol
ryone knows. We can still do lower cholesterol significantly with natural products.

The essence of rape is very effective and the impure nuts. Both products contain omega 3. you just take two tablespoons a day to lower cholesterol.

To lower bad cholesterol
To lower the bad cholesterol, it is clear that treatment is necessary. Iil be especially respect his prescription but above all we must know that the consumption of garlic and wheat germ helps to lower cholesterol.

We can incorporate fresh garlic to everyday cooking and eating wheat germ and some walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. Think sports daily also.

To lower cholesterol
To lower cholesterol, it is first necessary to follow a diet and essential doctor's instructions. We can also take herbal medicines that help to make good from cholesterol are garlic and wheat germ. It must still be followed by the doctor on a regular way and follow the directions to the letter drug.

To lower cholesterol
When cholesterol is a bit high, you can do it easily with a lower average naturel.Il enough to brew tea with cinnamon or cinnamon put directly in hot water and sweeten with honey . Drink two cups a day. It is obvious that the natural way is to take in addition to conventional therapy against prescribed by the doctor cholesterol.

Monday 2 September 2013

Step 1: Move

Cholesterol is a fatty substance, which is essential to the human body.
ways to lower cholesterol
ways to lower cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol: LDL and HDL

The HLD is one that many called "good cholesterol." It plays a positive role in the absorption of bad cholesterol in your body, helping the LDL from the walls of your blood vessels and to come into your liver to be processed. It is a self-regulating cholesterol.
LDL is the bad cholesterol that sticks to the walls of your blood vessels and can you create all sorts of problems of varying severity (calcifications in the legs, heart poorly drained, obstructed arteries etc ...)
The deposition of LDL is due to ...

Excessive intake of animal fat or poor absorption of these
A lack of activity can move your body to better eliminate fat and especially LDL cholesterol
The first solution and then step 1 of cholesterol treatment in a natural way is to move. You can not say it enough: practice regular physical activity is the best way to lower your cholesterol, but also the best way to feel better in your body.

Wanting to lower his cholesterol without increasing physical activity is nonsense: you must see this as the basis of your "treatment." And treatment is a big word! Remember that sport can give you a lot of fun, if you can find any kind of sport is suitable for you.

The activity must be regular: no need to 4 hours of running a summer Sunday, then nothing for six months. This will have no effect whatsoever. It is the regularity of the effort that will bring the benefits of sport, then see persevering.

Reduce his cholesterol

ways to lower cholesterol
ways to lower cholesterol